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15 Most Important Things About Creativity You Should Know

  1. The mind/brain is the power house (engine room) of creativity.

  2. Creativity is the function of the mind, it is giving birth to new ideas, visions and goals.

  3. This week I will be sharing 7 powerful ways of increasing your creative ability and how to develop a creative ability for each goal for your life to enable you achieve success faster and be fulfilled in life.

  4. Creativity is the mother of creation; the product of creativity gives birth to the invention or discoveries of what you see around you today.

  5. You cannot be more successful beyond the level of your creativity.

  6. Creativity gives life and sustain life, and make life worth living and enjoying.

  7. Creativity gives pleasure; it is exciting; it is fulfilling; it is satisfying

  8. The degree of the pleasure you gain, and personal satisfaction is a function of creativity. Man was made to be creative; the fulfillment of man lies in his ability to make use of the creative power in embedded in him by God. The existence of man will be meaningless if he does not make use of the creative power in him.

  9. Visions cannot be achieved without the function of creativity. Ideas are birthed by creativity; problems cannot be solved without creativity.

  10. Also, any person born is born with one creative ability or the other. The difference in genetic make-up and finger print among any population is a prove of the difference in creativity among the various individuals within that given population.

  11. Creativity can give rise to a vision and the discovering of the potential inside of you.

  12. The solution to any problem is a product of creativity. The birth of strategies is the product of creativity.

  13. The most challenging thing is that men with ideas cannot achieve their ideas without creativity. An idea could be creative initially, but it takes more creative power to achieve that idea.

  14. Creativity increases passion; passion increases persistence; persistence increases the chances of you reaching you goal faster with less stress.

  15. Creativity is the display of productivity.

Starting from this weekend I will be sharing 7 powerful ways of increasing your creative ability and how to develop a creative ability for each goal for your life to enable you achieve success faster and be fulfilled in life.

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