The mind is a powerful faculty in the human system and ideas always enter our mind at one time or the other. Idea is the power which controls everything in life; it is the most powerful thing in life. The world is ruled by men and women with ideas, idea is more than death. Death can’t kill an idea because idea pass from one generation to another. And the mind is the only faculty in the human system that can conceive ideas.
Whatsoever you see today was an idea in some one’s mind before, what you have in your mind now could be the solution the world is waiting for. Please, do not kill that idea allow it to be formed in your heart and be developed. It may interest you to know that this book you are reading now was an idea in my mind, I had to allow it to form, and I worked on it day after day, month after month and today it is a reality.
“The mind is the seat of imagination, the power of imagination. Open your mind to new ideas. Imagination, the preview of life’s coming attractions.” Larry Eisenberg
How are you previewing your life? What is the picture in your mind about your future? What is the dream or vision in your mind? Do you really have clear driven purpose in life? Do you understand the power of your mind? The mind is more powerful than you can imagine. It’s the seat of every thought both creative and negative thoughts. Your success and failure depend on which part you allow your mind to be driven. Please, make use of the power of the mind so that you can achieve your purpose in life.
It’s startling that anything you see today around us had first existed in somebody else’s mind before it was created and you cannot have or achieve anything in life if you do not conceive it first.
Conception is the process of forming an idea or plan. When you have an idea to do something, that is, when you start thinking on how to do it that is just the beginning of creating what will give you pleasure.
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